Your bloods and scan will be done by our highly experienced midwives. It’s a chance to have a health professional provide you with that extra reassurance.

SneakPeek Clinical Early Gender DNA Test from 6 Weeks

  • $190.00


    $249.00 with the inclusion of a rapid reassurance scan.

  • The test can be performed onsite by a qualified Nurse/Midwife


    If you are having the recommended reassurance scan before you have your bloods collected please allow for an extra 10min scan appointment.

    • You can have this test as early as 6 weeks into your pregnancy

    • 99.9% accurate DNA-based blood test

    • As we have highly experienced nurses and midwives on site we can draw your bloods at the clinic - no need for the inconvenience of having to go to another location.

    • Low risk of contamination therefore low risk of an inconclusive result compared to “home kits”

    • 100% money back guarantee or FREE test if inconclusive

    • Results can be emailed straight to a nominated email in 10 business days* Times may be longer due to weather conditions in the USA.

    • You can also add a Reassurance Scan for peace of mind just let us know or book online now!

    To book this appointment please call us on 07 5406 0689 and one of our lovely receptionists will book you in!

    *Please ensure your Gender Reveal Party, if you are having one, is at least 3 weeks after your test has been completed. This is in the event that we need to repeat the test (inconclusive blood results)

  • You can chose to have a quick reassurance scan before your blood test - just to make sure things are fine! This will be at an extra cost.