Did you know that hydration is the KEY to quality images?

Being well hydrated ensures that there is plenty fluid around the baby and that the fluid is clear - with a lot of clear fluid around baby can help with us being able to get good images and videos.

We recommend that you start drinking around 2-3 litres of water a day for at least 3 days before you scan. Drinking a bottle of water before your scan will not be enough.

Please arrive 5 minutes prior your appointment.

If you are able to, eat something sweet and take a short walk around 30 minutes before your scan as this can help to wake baby up.

8 -20 weeks please have a full bladder (go to the toilet 1 hour before your scan and then drink 2 glasses of water and do not go to the toilet until you have attended for your scan).

After 20 weeks, it is not necessary to have a full bladder but can be useful if your baby is in a difficult position so we ask you to avoid going to the toilet 15-20 mins before your scan.

The clarity of the Images you will receive depends on a number of things including:

  • How many weeks pregnant you are (the ideal time for a scan to see baby’s chubby face and squishy little arms and lets is around 26-30 weeks).

  • How much fluid is in front of your baby's face (generally speaking the more fluid the better pictures). Hydration is the key to getting quality pictures as it increases the fluid around baby and makes it more clear. We recommend you start drinking extra water (2-3 litres a day), 3-5 days before your scan. Drinking a bottle of water just before your scan will not be enough time.

  • The position of your baby (is he/she facing towards the camera or away).

  • The size of mum at scan (BMI). The larger a lady is the more difficult it may be to see the baby clearly.

  • The position of the placenta (if the placenta is at the front known as an anterior placenta pictures of your baby can be more difficult .

  • If there is something in front of your baby’s face such as hands, feet or chord.

  • How many baby’s there are. When there is more than one baby space can be very limited making getting those cute images that little bit more difficult

On some occasions, despite everyone’s best efforts, babies don’t always behave the way we would like them to!